What WHAP’s Listening To

May 2, 2008

I recently watched The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (review coming soon) for the first time.  A couple things stood out for me when watching the movie: how touching this story is, the incredible power of the human mind and spirit, and how refreshing it is to see a song used perfectly in a movie.  The song I’m talking about is “Don’t Kiss Me Goodbye” by Ultra Orange & Emmanuelle.  The music video paired with it above isn’t very good, but still, because of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, I will forever enjoy this song.

When Sports and Pop Culture Collide…

January 15, 2008

…brilliance occurs. The Best YouTube Video of 2008 Award received its first legitimate contender in the hours after the Dallas Cowboys divisional round playoff loss on Sunday:

Question of the day: Terrell Owens or Hillary Clinton. Whose tears were funnier? Whose were faker?